News & Blog

UK extends cut in hospitality and tourism VAT to 5% till 31 Mar 2021
The UK has cut the reduced Value Added Tax on hospitality services from the current 20% standard rate to the reduced rate of 5% on 8 July 2020 in the Chancellor’s economic update. The measure will be in place from 15 July 2020 until 12 January 2021, this has now
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Welcome to our new website!
We are really excited to show you our new website and welcome you to see all of the services that we can now offer you. While we have been offline, and the world has been in lockdown we have been working hard to refine our service offering and get ready
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The Government is gradually lifting lockdown, how can you prepare your business, is your business ready?
There is a lot to consider!!!! Many businesses are getting back to their office desks, retailers are reopening along with hair and beauty salons. This is happening at a gradual speed. And we all know that social distancing measures are likely to remain in place for some time yet. Looking
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IR35 Deferred to Changes April 2021
What is IR35 all about? IR35 is tax legislation that was introduced in April 2000 to combat tax avoidance. Its purpose is to make sure that contractors using an intermediary to provide their services are not, in fact, disguising employment to avoid paying the correct tax. It ensures that workers,
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Moving to cloud based Software
We often get asked……….. “What if I moved to Accounting software in the Cloud” Well having tonnes of experience with the traditional and online software, I have compiled some quick advantages of online software and the disadvantages of staying with traditional software. Accounting software that is not available via the
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Recent Posts
- UK extends cut in hospitality and tourism VAT to 5% till 31 Mar 2021 October 2, 2020
- Welcome to our new website! August 1, 2020
- The Government is gradually lifting lockdown, how can you prepare your business, is your business ready? July 23, 2020
- IR35 Deferred to Changes April 2021 July 16, 2020
- Moving to cloud based Software June 9, 2020